Website Designers, Website Builders, Website Tools and Website Hosting.
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Welcome to EZ Website Builders
"Get Your Business On The Internet" TODAY!
Create, Build, Promote and Manage Your Own Website!
Do-it-yourself website builders and website designers are all using our do-it-yourself website tools. Whether you're building a new website, redesigning your existing website, or just ready for a full e-commerce solution, EZ Website Builders makes sure you have the website tools, website designers, website hosting, website promotion and EZ-Net Tools needed to succeed online.
Creating and maintaining a website, setting up e-commerce, website hosting and website promotion have never been easier thanks to our suite of fully integrated, easy-to-use website tools and services.
The EZ-Net Tools powerful page builder lets you build and maintain your website with a free form base technology, and adding e-commerce is as easy as clicking a few buttons. Promoting your website with search engines is easy through simple, easy-to-follow interfaces. EZ Website Builders is your best choice for website designers, website tools, website hosting and website promotion!
 Cisco Folk, President of EZWB.com |
Anyone that can point and click a mouse, can use our complete do-it-yourself website tools and website hosting, it's that simple!
Our website tools and website hosting empower you to create, build, promote and manage, along with making changes or updates to your site, via the Internet.
You can access and work on your site, from any computer, and from anywhere in the world via an Internet connection!
"You Have Complete Control"
We have a very user-friendly program called EZ-Net Tools, just point and click. You have complete control, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Bill Gates once said: "The Internet is like a 20 foot tidal wave coming thousands of miles across the Pacific and we are in kayaks." The Internet is here to stay.
An article in Business Week magazine entitled The E-Biz Surprise dispels many of the myths that have been associated with doing business on the Net. The article is summarized in its sub-heading, which reads:
"It wasn't all hype! For companies as well as consumers, e-commerce is hotter than ever."
Every day, new e-commerce businesses are appearing all over the Internet. Everyday people... just like you... have found that web sites attract thousands and tens of thousands of potential customers and buyers.
You can't be in business... and not have a web presence because if you don't, people will not take you seriously anymore!
The Internet is a great way to invest in your business and its future!
Let EZ Website Builders Help You!
With over 200 million surfers on the web each and everyday and more coming on line every minute you can't afford not to put your business on the Internet.
We offer a full line of "Hostware" (software and website hosting) using EZ-Net Tools to complete your website including, the four major components needed for a Successful Internet Business.
1. Web Page Creation, is the ability for website designers, using website tools, to create web pages. EZ-Net Tools "Hostware" features EZ-PageBuilder, which makes it easy to design, create and build web pages without HTML Programming.
2. Website Hosting, is a service offered to provide web space... where your web pages live. There are many companies which offer this single piece of the puzzle only. Most website hosting companies do not offer complete integration. For example, a separate process called "File Transfer Protocol" (FTP) is required to move files from your computer to the host computer. With our system, when you save a web page it is immediately available worldwide! NO FTP Required! Our system includes complete website hosting including, E-mail and Domain Name Registration tools.
3. E-Commerce, is the ability to securely transact business over the Internet. The EZ-Catalog, EZ-Order, EZ-Shopping Cart, EZ-Shipping, EZ-Coupons, Pay to Enter and EZ-Checkout programs use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology, the most secure technology available today. Also, EZ-Net Tools uses 3-Way Encryption technology for added security.
4. Website Promotion, is ignored by most companies, and is the final piece of the puzzle. With the EZ-Submit, you can effectively promote your website on the top search engines. With the EZ-Link Trader, you can discover the power of reciprocal linking. With the EZ-Affiliate, you can setup and manage your own affiliate program.
Online revenues are booming and growing every year!
Surprisingly, it's not just the big dot.com companies producing that revenue it's Tens of Thousands of people just like you who are adding to that number by making great income, online.
How are they doing it? With a Website!
A website can benefit your business in many ways:
- Works 24 hours a day!
- Provides instant information to the customer!
- Decreases marketing costs!
- Increases sales!
- Is quickly updated!
- Provides information to employees!
- Increases customer interaction without increasing staff!
- Produces sales at the time of decision!
- Produces immediate customers and prospects!
- Levels the playing field for businesses of all sizes!
7 Reasons Why You Should Be On The Internet
1. Timing: There's never been a better time! Web technology and e-commerce solutions are much improved and very affordable.
2. Easy and Quick to Start: By utilizing all the many resources and the expertise readily accessible today (literally at your fingertips), you can be up and running on the Internet, instantly.
3. Save Money... Make Money: The Internet also provides one of the least expensive ways to start, operate, and market a new business. You keep more of your revenue, making it easier to expand quickly and create great profits.
4. Homed-based: A recent IDC survey indicates that the average earnings for an income-generating home office is $65,000.00 a year. No wonder, there is hardly any overhead in running a business from home... and lots of tax breaks! And the Internet can be worked from anywhere!
5. Web Traffic Doubling: The U.S. Department of Commerce reports that traffic on the Internet has been doubling every year, with 85% of adult users now making purchasing decisions online. No wonder businesses can grow so FAST on the Internet!
6. A Huge Market: The Internet offers an enormous, high-end marketplace. There will be several Billion people online in the U.S. by the end of this year, and even more users worldwide by the end of next year.
7. Growing Revenues... Growing Opportunities: We've come a long way since 1998-99 when online revenues first topped $100 Billion. Forester Research predicts worldwide e-commerce will rise to several TRILLION DOLLARS during this decade! A share of this revenue pie is available for you!
Please contact us if we can be of any assistance to you!