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EZ Website Builders is dedicated to providing Affordable Websites, to those companies or businesses that could not afford to hire an expensive web designer.
EZ Website Builders is committed to giving small to medium sized businesses and home-based businesses a complete user-friendly (point and click) website, without spending thousands of dollars to get on-line.
Our websites empower you to create, build, promote and manage your own website over the Internet. If you do not have the time to build your own site, EZ Website Builders can help or build your website for you!
"Our business is to understand your business." Working in the field of website design and development for the past 7 years, our development team understands that every customer’s business needs are unique and different. Our approach towards design is not the cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all web solution. We listen and understand your business and business requirements before we proceed to create a website for you. We make the effort to understand your business needs so as to provide you with the best online solution that integrates well with your offline activities. This approach using our technology will give you a higher return on your investment.
"We create custom websites that you can maintain" We have a team of web design and web development professionals committed to delivering effective high quality work. We take pride in being able to deliver what our customers want within the pre-scheduled budget and deadlines. Our understanding of your requirements, converting them into an online solution, delivering it to you on time, and giving you access to your website account at any time from any computer via the Internet, is our GOAL.
The following chart shows pricing for the Lease Options of each Basic, Standard and E-Commerce Website Account.
Lease Options
Basic Website
Basic Website (cost/month)
Standard Website
Standard Website (cost/month)
E-Commerce Website
E-Commerce Website (cost/month)
6 month
1 year
2 year
Web Site Leasing for a Basic Website: can cost as little as $25.00 per month and includes: A 25 MB Basic Website, EZ-Net Tools (over 150 hostware programs), Website Activation, Administrative Tools, Construction Tools, Promotional Tools, Hosting and Maintenance for the duration of the Lease.
Web Site Leasing for a Standard Website: can cost as little as $45.00 per month and includes: A 350 MB Standard Website, EZ-Net Tools (over 250 hostware programs), Website Activation, Administrative Tools, Construction Tools, Promotional Tools, Hosting and Maintenance for the duration of the Lease.
Web Site Leasing for an E-Commerce Website: can cost as little as $60.00 per month and includes: A 400 MB E-Commerce Website, EZ-Net Tools (over 350 hostware programs), Website Activation, Administrative Tools, Construction Tools, Promotional Tools, Hosting and Maintenance for the duration of the Lease.
When you Lease a Web Site there are: NO ADDITIONAL MONTHLY FEE's !
EZ Website Builders offer a: Month-to-Month Lease, 6 Month Lease, 1 Year Lease and a 2 Year Lease, for all Basic, Standard and E-Commerce Websites.
Click on Web Site: LEASING to view our catalog, or just click on
any of the Secure Order Form buttons to view the pricing and place your order.
Web Site Purchasing for a Basic Website: cost is $199.95 and includes: A 25 MB Basic Website, EZ-Net Tools (over 150 hostware programs), Website Activation, Administrative Tools, Construction Tools and Promotional Tools.
Web Site Purchasing for a Standard Website: cost is $299.95 and includes: A 350 MB Standard Website, EZ-Net Tools (over 250 hostware programs), Website Activation, Administrative Tools, Construction Tools and Promotional Tools.
Web Site Purchasing for an E-Commerce Website: cost is $399.95 and includes: A 400 MB E-Commerce Website, EZ-Net Tools (over 350 hostware programs), Website Activation, Administrative Tools, Construction Tools and Promotional Tools.
Note: When you purchase a Basic, Standard or E-Commerce website, you will need to, pay your monthly Hosting and Maintenance Fee, in advance each month.
Click on Web Site: PURCHASING to view our catalog, or just click on any of the Secure Order Form buttons to view the pricing and place your order.
(for purchased websites only)
Hosting and Maintenance for a Purchased Basic Website: cost is $29.95 per month. When you purchase a Basic Website, you will need to Host and Maintain it every month. This fee includes: EZ-Net Tools (over 150 hostware programs), Hosting and Maintenance for one month.
Hosting and Maintenance for a Purchased Standard Website: cost is $49.95 per month. When you purchase a Standard Website, you will need to Host and Maintain it every month. This fee includes: EZ-Net Tools (over 250 hostware programs), Hosting and Maintenance for one month.
Hosting and Maintenance for a Purchased E-Commerce Website: cost is $69.95 per month. When you purchase an E-Commerce Website, you will need to Host and Maintain it every month. This fee includes: EZ-Net Tools (over 350 hostware programs), Hosting and Maintenance for one month.
Note: This Hosting and Maintenance Fee only applies to Purchased Websites!
Click on Web Site: HOSTING and MAINTENANCE to view our catalog, or just click on any of the Secure Order Form buttons to view the pricing and place your order.
If You Need EZ Website Builders: for creating, building, promoting, managing, making changes or updates, to your website, our hourly rate is only $50/hour.
We will do as much or as little as you need us to do? You have complete control!
EZ Website Builders can also design your Website Logo. Normally about $300.
Click on CREATION, PROMOTION, CHANGES to view our catalog, or just click on any of the Secure Order Form buttons to view the pricing and place your order.
5 Page Basic Website Package for 1 year: lease a Basic Website for 1 year and have our development team design and build 1 to 5 web pages (text and pictures supplied by customer) for you. This package includes: 25 MB of web space, the EZ Net-Tools (basic) integrated system, up to 5 web pages built by EZ Website Builders, one year of hosting and maintenance, a registered domain name connected to the website, 5 e-mail accounts associated with your domain name, and free support via phone, fax, e-mail or online chat. Cost $799.95
NOTE: We will develop up to 5 web pages any time during the 1 year lease.
10 Page Basic Website Package for 1 year: lease a Basic Website for 1 year and have our development team design and build 6 to 10 web pages (text and pictures supplied by customer) for you. This package includes: 25 MB of web space, the EZ Net-Tools (basic) integrated system, up to 10 web pages built by EZ Website Builders, one year of hosting and maintenance, a registered domain name connected to the website, 5 e-mail accounts associated with your domain name, and free support via phone, fax, e-mail or online chat. Cost $1099.95
NOTE: We will develop up to 10 web pages any time during the 1 year lease.
5 Page Standard Website Package for 1 year: lease a Standard Website for 1 year and have our development team design and build 1 to 5 web pages (text and pictures supplied by customer) for you. This package includes: 350 MB of web space, the EZ Net-Tools (standard) integrated system, up to 5 web pages built by EZ Website Builders, one year of hosting and maintenance, a registered domain name connected to the website, 50 e-mail accounts associated with your domain name, and free support via phone, fax, e-mail or online chat. Cost $1049.95
NOTE: We will develop up to 5 web pages any time during the 1 year lease.
10 Page Standard Website Package for 1 year: lease a Standard Website for 1 year and have our development team design and build 6 to 10 web pages (text and pictures supplied by customer) for you. This package includes: 350 MB of web space, the EZ Net-Tools (standard) integrated system, up to 10 web pages built by EZ Website Builders, one year of hosting and maintenance, a registered domain name connected to the website, 50 e-mail accounts associated with your domain name, and free support via phone, fax, e-mail or online chat. Cost $1349.95
NOTE: We will develop up to 10 web pages any time during the 1 year lease.
5 Page E-Commerce Website Package for 1 year: lease an E-Commerce Website for 1 year and have our development team design and build 1 to 5 web pages (text and pictures supplied by customer) for you. This package includes: 400 MB of web space, the EZ Net-Tools (e-commerce) integrated system, up to 5 web pages built by EZ Website Builders, one year of hosting and maintenance, a registered domain name connected to the website, 200 e-mail accounts associated with your domain name, and free support via phone, fax, e-mail or online chat. Cost $1289.95
NOTE: We will develop up to 5 web pages any time during the 1 year lease.
10 Page E-Commerce Website Package for 1 year: lease an E-Commerce Website for 1 year and have our development team design and build 6 to 10 web pages (text and pictures supplied by customer) for you. This package includes: 400 MB of web space, the EZ Net-Tools (e-commerce) integrated system, up to 10 web pages built by EZ Website Builders, one year of hosting and maintenance, a registered domain name connected to the website, 200 e-mail accounts associated with your domain name, and free support via phone, fax, e-mail or online chat. Cost $1589.95
NOTE: We will develop up to 10 web pages any time during the 1 year lease.
We accept these credit cards.
We understand that making a product or service purchase online involves a great deal of trust on your part. We take this trust very seriously, and make it our highest priority to help ensure the security and confidentiality of the information you provide. EZ Website Builders uses industry-standard SSL (secure socket layer) technology to protect every interaction you have with the online ordering system. This protects your credit card and other personal information.
Development Cost, Flexibility and Variability Diagram
Cost is determined by you the customer based generally on this diagram. If you want a basic website package, and you will do the work, creating, building, managing, promoting, along with changes and updates; then the cost will be at the Minimum.
However, if you need us to design, develop, manage, promote, along with making changes and updates, then the project will be based on a bid and the cost would be substantially higher.
Again, this diagram is provided to help you assess the flexibility and variability of cost.
Remember: we also have our FREE Model Sites that may help you get started!

We strive to improve the quality of our services and products. Please click here to tell us how you feel about our services, products or website. As always, we appreciate any feedback or suggestions.