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Website Security with Our Secure Servers
 Secure Order Form! |
We are currently running Apache SSL Web Server for our secure server! This software provides Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology for high-level security when transmitting sensitive information like credit card numbers.
You have two choices for transacting orders with EZ-Net Tools™ - Automated or Manual Processing. Either way, your customers can rest assured that their orders are safe with you!
There are two methods of transacting credit card orders with EZ-Net Tools™. We refer to them as Automated Transaction Processing(ATP) and Manual Transaction Processing(MTP) methods.
Automated Transaction Processing (ATP)
If you want the customer's credit card automatically processed, you will want to use this method of credit card processing. EZ-Net Tools™ is integrated with AuthorizeNet®, which links to your merchant bank account (OAC). When an order is placed, the customer's credit card is automatically charged.
During ATP, the customers credit card is automatically verified for authenticity and appropriately charged at the time of order. The funds are then automatically transferred into the merchants bank account. An e-mail is sent to the merchant who then securely retrieves the order from EZ-Net Tools™ and delivers the product.
ATP requires the banking services provided by financial institutions. First, a merchant bank account which only businesses can acquire. Second, a "Payment Gateway" service which functions as an online credit card processing terminal is also required. View Diagram.
Manual Transaction Processing (MTP)
This method allows you to use an existing or local merchant bank account. When an MTP order is placed, the system notifies the merchant by e-mail. The merchant then securely retrieves the order from EZ-Net Tools™ and prints it out.
The merchant then uses a credit card processing terminal which was provided to them from their bank to manually enter the credit card information for processing. This way, the merchant has some time to verify the order or check to see if the items sold are in stock... before money has changed hands. View Diagram.
Both automated and manual transaction methods utilize 3-Way Encryption™ and SSL technologies.