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With EZ-Bulletin Board™, you can easily establish and moderated a bulletin board or forum on your website. Your customers and prospects can discuss information about your industry and how to better use your services. You approve the posting or screen out inappropriate messages.
The EZ-Bulletin Board tool provides a feature for your website where your customers can go and post messages to each other. It is very similar to a bulletin board you might use at home or at work. However, the EZ-Bulletin Board is much more powerful. It is much more organized and interactive.
The organization of the postings in the EZ-Bulletin Board are as follows. The owner of the bulletin board creates categories of interest, the users start a topic within the category and others can reply to the individual topics as though it were a real discussion.
Adding the EZ-Bulletin Board to your site: The EZ-Bulletin Board only needs to be linked to, from a button or link in the EZ-Page Builder. You will find the link for the EZ-Bulletin Board in the System Directory when you are using EZ-Browse to connect your button or link.
Below is a brief description of the EZ-Bulletin Board’s three tools that help you create and manage your bulletin board.
Configure: Control the appearance and function of your bulletin board with titles, colors, links and other options for display and settings.
Categories: Create, Edit, Delete and manage the Categories of interest where your customers will post their messages.
Messages: Edit, delete and manage all the messages posted on your website. These messages are organized by their categories and topics.
Messages Customer Service: You moderate your bulletin board by using Activate, Edit, Close Topic or Delete.