"United We Stand" We Support Our Armed Forces, Fire Fighters & Law Enforcement Agencies! |
With EZ-Net Tools™, you can solicit names and e-mail addresses from people visiting your website and build your own "opt-in" mail list. Then you can e-mail information to all the people on your list who have requested information.
Use this block to let people add themselves to your mailing list so you can notify them of updates or news. The example below is a finished Mailing List Block. When you select a Mailing List Block from EZ-PageBuilder, you will see the building form first. After you fill in your text, size, and color preferences, your finished block, similar to the one below, will appear.
You can add an edit mailing list block like the one below if you so desire? It is just that simple!
You can OPT out or EDIT your points of interest?