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Domain name services play an essential role in website promotion. The EZ-NetTools® domain management system is easy to understand and use. When you start your website, a temporary sub-domain name is established. The sub-domain name can be utilized as long as you want for free.
You have two choices with us. You may use a virtual domain (www.eznettools.net/YourName), which is available at no additional charge.
If you prefer to purchase your own domain name, you can either purchase one from us or any other registrar. The domain name search feature of EZ-Net Tools makes it easy to search for available domain names and then to make a domain name purchase.
You can search for and purchase your own domain name like (www.YourName.com).
 Domain Manager |
If you have already purchased a domain name or are buying a new one from another registrar, simply direct the domain name to our name servers from your registrar and we will host it. Then, use EZ-Net Tools to notify us and we will take care of the rest.
EZ-Net Tools will also support multiple domain names. For marketing purposes, a business my want to have several domain names pointed to the same website. With our service, multiple domain names are welcome!
The Domain Name Manager lists domain names that are attached to your account, and also the current Homepage URL that the system uses to generate links back to your Homepage. A domain name is a simple way for customers to find your website (such as "www.EzWebsiteBuilders.com"). There is no limit to the number of domain names that can be associated with your account.
The "My Domain Names" section contains a list of domain names currently associated with your account. Each domain name has a "Display" link that will query the WhoIs database for your domain and display a full listing of information regarding that domain. Here, you can check the contact information, expiration date, and Name Servers for your domain name. If available, the Domain Manager will also display the date that your domain names expires.
This section also lists your sub-domain associated with your account, and the explicit location of your account in the form /D3#####/X3#####. Both of these sub-domains are free and are required for your account. Typing any of these in the address bar of your browser allows you to locate your Homepage.
Note: Network Solutions/VerSign, (formerly InterNIC) is the government-assigned agency which is responsible for domain name management.
This is a computer browser with your Domain Name!
Check to see if your domain name is available?
- In the field provided below, type in the name you would like your site to have. Be sure to include a domain extension, such as .com, .net, .org, etc. Click the ‘Search' button to see if the domain name is available.
- If the domain name has already been taken, the domain record will be displayed and you will find the words "This domain name is unavailable". Continue searching until you are informed that the domain name is available.