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The checkout process of EZ-NetTools® is nicely integrated within all e-commerce modules. EZ-Checkout is automatically implemented with a smooth transition from shopping cart or order form to payment processing. The web pages are pre-designed and allow for substantial customization.
Navigation Links
Customers purchasing over the Web are interested in security and privacy. With EZ-Checkout, you have the option to link to pages within the checkout screen that will ease their concerns and increase the desire to purchase. These optional links include:
- Shipping Policy
- Security Policy
- Privacy Policy
- Return Policy
- Contact Information
The navigation links also provide the flexibility to direct them to a specific page after they have made their purchase.
Graphic Options
You can upload a custom graphic for the checkout process or choose to use an existing graphic already used within the website.
Ship to Addresses
With EZ-Checkout, you have the option to allow a product to be shipped to a different address than the bill to address. While some businesses only want to ship product to the address that is billed, others will allow another address to ship the product to. EZ-Checkout is equally suitable for either option.
Required Information
When accepting an order online, it is critical to capture specific information about the person placing the order. Some businesses require more information than do others. With EZ-Checkout, you have the option to require a company name, e-mail address, and phone number. When these options are selected, an order will not complete until this information is entered.
Checkout Page Comments/ Information
During the online purchase process, EZ-Checkout provides the ability to add comments at the top or bottom of the following pages:
- Address Page
- Shipping Page
- Payment Page
- Confirmation Page
- Order Summary Page
Additionally, you have the ability to capture additional information that is necessary for the completion of the sale and a place for the consumer to enter additional notes.
Order Notification
When an order is placed, EZ-Checkout provides an auto-response e-mail that is directed to the consumer. You have the option to enter a custom message that will be included along with the order detail confirmation.
You can also enter up to five additional e-mail addresses that order notification can be sent to. This way, the sales, accounting, executive, and shipping departments can all receive a simultaneous notification of an order!
EZ-Checkout is a smooth running order processing component that is automatically created within the EZ-NetTools® system. It provides an assortment of strategic options that better satisfy customer and business needs.

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