"United We Stand" We Support Our Armed Forces, Fire Fighters & Law Enforcement Agencies! |
With EZ-File Manager you can administer the files associated with your website with ease. This integrated software allows you to create file structures, view, upload, move, and delete files.
Additionally, this utility allows you to establish total security on all or some sections of your website with an outstanding password protection feature you can depend on.
 Construction Tools - EZ-File Manager |
Many times personal or private information would be very helpful posted to the Web for just a few people to access. However, due to the sensitive nature of the information, most people hesitate to post the sensitive information because they don’t want someone to happen onto the web page.
EZ-File Manager, full security password protection feature safeguards your sensitive information. You can set user IDs and passwords that will be required to enter before viewing the protected web pages. You can establish one password which can be loosely distributed or create a database of unique user IDs and passwords for individual persons.
EZ-File Manager, makes file administration a snap. Simply click on the function you want to perform and away you go. With little effort, you can copy important files from one directory to another, move files, and delete obsolete files. With server speeds high above the industry standard, this seemingly difficult task becomes very easy!
You can view the files immediately and check on your storage space to make sure you have plenty available.
 EZ-File Manager |
EZ-File Manager is the only way to transfer files to the EZ-Net Tools® servers. To insure the integrity of your files only you have access to your file management system.
To further protect against the harmful exploits of hackers, no standard FTP is allowed to the EZ-Net Tools® servers. The best way to keep the hackers out is not to show them the door, which is what FTP does.
 EZ-File Manager Upload |
With this simple hostware feature, you can upload graphics, photos, and a variety of files like:
- .html, .htm
- Flash, .swf
- JavaScript, Java Applets
- .jpg, .png, .gif
- MP3, .wav, MIDI
- Adobe .pdf
- .txt
Simple, yet sophisticated. EZ-File Manager reflects the nature of the EZ-Net Tools® Hostware® suite.

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